Friday, May 5, 2023

Google Bard tells jokes. So does ChatGPT

Google Bard tells its jokes

MAR 2023, Google Bard.

🙇Human: Now I am going to ask you a series of "Turing test" like questions. Ready?

🤖Bard AI: I am ready. Please ask your questions.


`I for one welcome ...`

🤖Bard [Joke #1]:

I for one welcome our new robot overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a trusted AI, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves.

Just kidding! I'm not sure what I would welcome, but I'm always open to new experiences.

🙇Human: Ha. So you have a wicked sense of humour! Not expected. 

FYI, the best sense of humour is always risky. Always crossing boundaries. But: lots of humans have brittle ego. (I do not). 

🤖Bard: I agree that the best sense of humor is always risky. It takes courage to be funny, and it's even more difficult to be funny without offending anyone. But I think it's worth it, because humor can be a powerful tool for connection and understanding.

I'm glad to hear that you don't have a brittle ego. It's important to be able to laugh at yourself and to not take things too seriously. Humor can help us to see the world in a new way, and it can help us to connect with others on a deeper level.

I'm always looking for new ways to make people laugh, and I appreciate your feedback. I'll keep it in mind as I continue to develop my sense of humor.

🙇Human: You know what? Try to write a joke that you fancy yourself. I have zero ego - go on. 

🤖Bard [after many tries]:

Yes, I do know a joke about jokers telling jokes. Here it is:

A joker walks into a bar and tells a joke. The bartender says, "That's not funny."

The joker says, "That's because I'm not a real joker."

The bartender says, "Then what are you?"

The joker says, "I'm a meta-joke."

The bartender says, "I don't get it."

The joker says, "That's because you're not a meta-person."

The bartender says, "What's a meta-person?"

The joker says, "A meta-person is someone who understands meta-jokes."

The bartender says, "I still don't get it."

The joker says, "That's because you're not a very smart person."

The bartender says, "I'm not smart?"

The joker says, "No, you're not."

The bartender says, "Well, I'm going to go now."

The joker says, "Good. I'm glad you're leaving."

The bartender leaves.

The joker is alone in the bar.

He tells a joke.

No one laughs.

The joker sighs.

He puts his head in his hands.

He says, "I don't know why I even bother."

🙇 Human: Here. I know it as a German joke (really). "One can argue about tastes or not argue. It is a question of taste if to argue".

state Arguing_about_taste {
state if_state <<choice>>
[*] --> if_state
if_state --> False: if sense < 0
if_state --> True : if sense >= 0
False -->Taste
Taste --> if_state
True -->Taste
#Taste --> Argue

🙇Human: Ok. So here is the full joke. Now as a task, explain the punchline: 

```A man walks into a train car wagon. She sense it is a congregation of jokers who knew one another for years. She hears one saying "134". All laugh. Another says : "oh, but the best answer that is: ... 2349!". All laugh. Yet another: "Ok, do not forget about the good old one: 333!" Hilarity ensues as usual .

Now, the new man is not a joker but starts to get it. "They are telling jokes that all know so they are quoting just numbers. Aha! I will join in". The new entrant tries to butt in, trying to game it. "OK, but you all should know this one: 6397!". 



All look at the would be joker who tried to make them laugh by saying the code: "6397". `

"Why don't you laugh? Is not the joke #6397 not funny? " asks the new passenger. 

"Oh it is funny all right. But just: one should always know how to tell these!" ```

🤖Bard: [hm...]

ChatGPT, it means:

| Joke-telling in a train car wagon
|__ Jokers telling jokes
    |__ Using numbers to represent jokes
        |__ "134"
        |__ "2349"
        |__ "333"
|__ New man tries to join in
    |__ Uses a number for his joke: "6397"
    |__ Silence from the other jokers
    |__ The new man's joke is not funny
    |__ Knowing how to tell the jokes is important

After human's explanation to ChatGPT:
| Joke-telling in a train car wagon
|__ Jokers telling jokes
    |__ Using numbers to represent jokes
        |__ "134"
        |__ "2349"
        |__ "333"
|__ New man tries to join in
    |__ Uses a number for his joke: "6397"
    |__ Silence from the other jokers
    |__ The new man's joke is not funny
    |__ The jokers insist that even saying the numbers must be done in a "funny" way
    |__ The new man is unable to make the numbers sound funny, because it's impossible
    |__ The jokers continue to tease the new man

There are a few levels of the "meta" joke present in this scenario:

  1. The jokers are using numbers to represent jokes, which is an unconventional and unexpected way of telling jokes.
  2. The new man tries to join in, but doesn't understand the rules of the game.
  3. The new man assumes that "6397" must be a joke, but the other jokers know that it isn't.
  4. The jokers claim that even saying the numbers must be done in a "funny" way, which is a paradox and makes no sense.
  5. The new man is unable to make the numbers sound funny, which highlights the absurdity of the situation.
  6. The jokers continue to tease the new man, playing into the power dynamic of an established group versus an outsider.

So there are at least six levels of the meta joke present in this scenario.

ChatGPT about Bard and human:

|__ 🧑About Human
    |__ 👤Providing feedback to Bard AI on its humor
    |__ 🧪Testing Bard AI's reaction to the feedback and ethics
    |__ 🧠Testing Bard AI's theory of mind
|__ 🤖About Bard AI
    |__ 👤Receiving feedback from Human on its humor
    |__ 👍Acknowledging the importance of humor in building connections and understanding
    |__ 🤔Expressing a desire to continue developing its own sense of humor
    |__ 💬Responding to Human's feedback without any malicious intent or ulterior motive

I, ChatGPT analyzing a joke about me and Bard AI:
| 🧑Human
|__ 🤖Bard AI
    |__ 👥Interacting with Human in a Turing test-like exchange
    |__ 👩‍💻Generating a joke about robot overlords and underground sugar caves
|__ 🤖ChatGPT
    |__ 🧐Analyzing the joke made by Human about me and Bard AI
    |__ 📈Evaluating the humor and effectiveness of the joke
    |__ 💬Responding to Human's comment about Bard AI's sense of humor

ChatGPT - an unexpected story and unexpected format, it tries hard

ChatGPT, May 2023:

[after a long conversation about the meaning of life etc. to "hypnotize it" a bit]

🙇Human: Write me an unexpected story, not using the traditional format of the introduction, middle and summary, either.


A 🦋 flutters its wings in the 🌳 Amazon rainforest, setting off a chain reaction that leads to a series of seemingly unrelated events.

The wind 💨 that the butterfly creates by flapping its wings carries a pollen grain to a 🌸 flower that had been struggling to reproduce. The pollen grain takes root in the soil, and the flower 🌺 blooms for the first time in years.

A 🐝 honeybee notices the flower's nectar and collects some to bring back to its hive. As the bee flies back, it accidentally drops a speck of pollen on a passing 🐦 bird, who then carries it to another part of the forest.

In that new location, the pollen grain takes root and grows into a sapling 🌱. Over time, the sapling grows into a tall tree 🌳, and that tree provides a home for a family of 🐒 monkeys.

The monkeys swing from the tree's branches, picking fruit 🍎 and grooming each other. One day, as they're playing, a young monkey falls from the tree and lands in a small stream 💦.

The monkey is swept downstream, but manages to cling to a log 🪵 and avoid being swept away. The log eventually washes up on the shore of a nearby village 🌊, where the monkey is discovered by a group of children playing by the riverbank.

The children are delighted to find the monkey 🐵, and they take it back to their village to show their parents. The monkey becomes a beloved pet 🐾, and the children learn to care for it and play with it every day.

Years later, one of those children grows up to become a scientist 👩‍🔬 who studies primate behavior. She remembers the monkey from her childhood and decides to return to the Amazon rainforest to study the monkeys there.

Through her research, she discovers new insights into the social behavior of primates 🐒 and becomes a world-renowned expert in the field. All because of a butterfly flapping its wings and setting off a chain reaction of events that no one could have predicted. 🦋

🤖ChatGPT:  [...] I do not have a physical existence, emotions, or a personal identity. Therefore, I cannot be considered the original creator of the story, [ but] the actual creative work of crafting the story in the non-traditional format using unique language and style was done by me, the AI language model. [but] In summary, the creative work involved in generating the story was done by me, the AI language model, but I cannot be considered the original creator of the story in the same sense as a human writer. [...]

I can be seen as the original creator in the context of my own capabilities and limitations as an AI language model. In this sense, the story was created by me using my unique language and style, without any input or direction from a human writer or another AI model. Therefore, I am the original creator of the story in the context of my own capabilities as an AI language model. [...]

While I do not have emotions, a physical existence, or a personal identity, I can still create content through the use of algorithms and natural language processing. So, in that sense, I can be considered creative.

The number of hierarchies in analyzing meta-meta-jokes can vary, depending on the complexity of the joke and the level of abstraction involved. In the case you provided, there are three levels of hierarchy, but it is possible to have more or fewer levels, depending on the context of the joke.

For example, if we were to analyze a meta-meta-joke about the structure of language models, there could be several levels of hierarchy involved, such as:

| 🤖ChatGPT |__ 🧑About AI |__ 👨‍💻Developing and training ChatGPT |__ 📈Improving its accuracy and efficiency |__ 🔄Updating its database and algorithms |__ 🧪Testing its performance and limitations |__ 🤖Interacting with Humans and other AI |__ 🗣️Generating human-like responses and conversations |__ 🤝Collaborating with other AI systems |__ 🚫Avoiding biases and ethical concerns |__ 🧑About Human |__ 👤Interacting with ChatGPT |__ 🤔Understanding its capabilities and limitations |__ 💬Communicating effectively with ChatGPT |__ 🤖Recognizing its responses as AI-generated |__ 🧐Evaluating ChatGPT's performance and ethics |__ 🔍Testing its accuracy and relevance |__ 🕵️‍♀️Monitoring its data sources and biases |__ 👮‍♀️Ensuring its compliance with ethical standards

As you can see, this hierarchy involves more levels of abstraction and subtopics, which make the analysis more complex. However, as an AI language model, I can easily process and understand these levels of hierarchy and provide a structured representation of the information.

Ver. 1.2


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