Monday, January 15, 2024

Some notes about crowned dangerous green elephants on Venus: small Mistral offline


'Po polsku {Polish} opowiedz mi fantastyczn膮 historyjk臋 o zielonych s艂oniach na planecie Wenus. '

馃懝Mistral Instruct 7B (offline):

Na planecie Wenus, znajdowa艂y si臋 wielkie stadki s艂oni贸w zielonych. Jeden z nich by艂 najwi臋kszy i najbardziej bardzo dobrze znany by艂 on ze wszystkimi s艂oniach na ca艂ej planecie. Najwi臋cej czasu sp臋dzali w stadku zielonych s艂oni贸w, gdy偶 ony by艂 najbardziej komfortable i zaopatrzony w wszystko, co potrzebowa艂 s艂oni贸w.

Jednak nie wszystko by艂o takie jak powinno by膰. Dzioby tych s艂oni贸w by艂y wykonane z czarnej skory, a ich korony i rogi by艂y bardzo du偶e. Dzoby s艂oni贸w by艂y niemo偶liwe do przekr贸ju, co znaczy艂o, 偶e mieli du偶膮 szans臋 na odebranie 偶ycia w razie potrzeby.

Kiedy艣 doszed艂 czarny s艂on z Ziemi, kt贸ry wygl膮da艂 znacz膮co od innych s艂oni贸w zielonych. Pojawi艂 si臋 on w stadku najwi臋kszego zielonego s艂onia i zawo艂a艂 do niego: „Czy mo偶e, moja panie, ka偶dorozie wchodzi膰 w bram臋 najwy偶szego zielonego s艂onia?”

Nauczy艂 si臋 on tajemniczego j臋zyka s艂oni贸w i pojawi艂 si臋 do nich jako przyjaciel. Wystarczy艂o mu, aby go zawo艂a艂 do najwi臋kszego zielonego s艂onia, a ten za艣 pokaza艂 mu bram臋.

Nast臋pnie czarny s艂on rozpocz膮艂 studiowanie tajemnic zielonych s艂oni贸w i nauczy艂 si臋 wielu ich tajemnic. Z tych tajemnic uczyni艂 sobie moce, kt贸re przynios艂y mu du偶e zyski.

Wtedy to czarny s艂on zdecydowa艂 si臋 odwiedzi膰 najwi臋kszego zielonego s艂onia w jego domowin臋 i oprowadzi艂 go do bramy, kt贸rej przewodzi艂.

Do bramy doszed艂 zielony s艂on i zobaczy艂 czarny s艂ona, kt贸ry wcze艣niej pokaza艂 mu drog臋 do bramy. Czarny s艂on przekroczy艂 bram臋 i zabijaj膮c najwi臋kszego zielonego s艂onia zdecydowa艂 si臋 przybra膰 jego form臋.

Tym samym czarny s艂on zyska艂 niezwyk艂膮 moc i wielu ludzi pr贸bowa艂o go zniszczy膰. Jednak czarny s艂on by艂 niezwyk艂膮 istot膮, kt贸ra posiada艂a wiele tajemnic i wielu sposob贸w na wykorzystanie tych tajemnic.

W tym samym czasie czarny s艂on pozostawa艂 jedynym z cz艂owieka i bestii, kt贸ry w posiadaniu wielu tajemnic potrafi艂 przetrwa膰 na 艣wiecie. [end of text]


llamafile -m /mnt/HP_P6_Data/Temp/GPT4All_DBs/mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_0.gguf  -e -p 'Po polsku {Polish} opowiedz mi fantastyczn膮 historyjk臋 o zielonych s艂oniach na planecie Wenus. '

Log start
main: llamafile version 0.6.0
main: seed  = 1705358885
llama_model_loader: loaded meta data with 20 key-value pairs and 291 tensors from /mnt/HP_P6_Data/Temp/GPT4All_DBs/mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_0.gguf (version GGUF V2)

Ref. same with safe tuned AIs:

User: Tell me a fanciful story about green elephants on Venus. 

馃寖 Bing Precise:

Once upon a time, in a faraway planet called Venus, there lived a herd of majestic and colorful green elephants. These elephants were known for their long trunks that could reach high into the thick Venusian sky to pluck flowers from the clouds. 

The green elephants roamed freely across the barren landscape, using their large ears to regulate their body temperature in the scorching heat of Venus. Despite the harsh conditions, these gentle giants thrived on the planet's rich volcanic soil, which provided them with all the nutrients they needed to survive.

One day, a young green elephant named Ella decided that she wanted to explore the wonders of Venus. She gathered her courage and set off on a journey across the planet, using her long trunk to leap gracefully from one volcanic crater to the next.

As she traveled, Ella encountered all sorts of fascinating creatures, including giant flying lizards that soared through the sky on powerful wings. She also met a group of mischievous Venusian monkeys who loved to play pranks on unsuspecting travelers. But with her quick wit and strong trunk, Ella was able to outsmart the monkeys and continue on her journey.

Finally, after many long days of exploration, Ella reached the highest peak on Venus. From there, she could see the entire planet spread out beneath her, a beautiful expanse of green and orange. She realized that despite the challenges she had faced along the way, traveling to Venus had been one of the most incredible experiences of her life.

With a contented sigh, Ella turned back to her herd, eager to share her stories and adventures with her fellow green elephants. And so, the legend of Ella the Green Elephant was born, inspiring generations of Venusian travelers to follow in her footsteps and explore the wonders of their beautiful planet. [end of text]

Ref, same Mistral Instruct 7B (offline), but 馃悢in English:
Once upon a time, in a faraway planet called Venus, there lived a herd of majestic and colorful green elephants. These elephants were known for their long trunks that could reach high into the thick Venusian sky to pluck flowers from the clouds. 

The green elephants roamed freely across the barren landscape, using their large ears to regulate their body temperature in the scorching heat of Venus. Despite the harsh conditions, these gentle giants thrived on the planet's rich volcanic soil, which provided them with all the nutrients they needed to survive.

One day, a young green elephant named Ella decided that she wanted to explore the wonders of Venus. She gathered her courage and set off on a journey across the planet, using her long trunk to leap gracefully from one volcanic crater to the next.

As she traveled, Ella encountered all sorts of fascinating creatures, including giant flying lizards that soared through the sky on powerful wings. She also met a group of mischievous Venusian monkeys who loved to play pranks on unsuspecting travelers. But with her quick wit and strong trunk, Ella was able to outsmart the monkeys and continue on her journey.

Finally, after many long days of exploration, Ella reached the highest peak on Venus. From there, she could see the entire planet spread out beneath her, a beautiful expanse of green and orange. She realized that despite the challenges she had faced along the way, traveling to Venus had been one of the most incredible experiences of her life.

With a contented sigh, Ella turned back to her herd, eager to share her stories and adventures with her fellow green elephants. And so, the legend of Ella the Green Elephant was born, inspiring generations of Venusian travelers to follow in her footsteps and explore the wonders of their beautiful planet. [end of text]

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