Friday, June 2, 2023

πŸ”½ πŸ‘₯One ➡️ two πŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»... aka Axiom of Maria aka some Mermaids

πŸ”½ πŸ‘₯One ➡️ two  πŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»

πŸ”½ πŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»Two ➡️ three  πŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸŽ­

πŸ”½ Out of the third ➡️ the πŸ‘₯one as ➡️ the fourth:  πŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸŽ­πŸ‘₯ 

%%{ init: { 'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#BB2528', 'primaryTextColor': '#fff', 'primaryBorderColor': '#7C0000', 'lineColor': '#F8B229', 'secondaryColor': '#006100', 'tertiaryColor': '#fff' } } }%% flowchart TD One((One)) Two((Two)) Three((Three)) Fourth((Fourth)) One -->|Out of the One comes Two| Two Two -->|Out of Two comes Three| Three Three -->|From the Third comes the One| Fourth Three -->|From the Third comes the One| One

that is: 
flowchart TD

One -->|Out of the One comes Two| Two
Two -->|Out of Two comes Three| Three
Three -->|From the Third comes the One| Fourth
Three -->|From the Third comes the One| One


Orobourous, the all is one, αΌ•Ξ½ Ο„α½Έ Ο€αΎΆΞ½, hen to pān

Maria the Jewess (Latin: Maria Hebraea, Maria Prophetissa) or Maria the Copt Arabic: Ω…Ψ§Ψ±ΩŠΨ© Ψ§Ω„Ω‚Ψ¨Ψ·ΩŠΨ©, romanized: Māriyya al-QibαΉ­iyya), was an early alchemist known from the works of Zosimos of Panopolis (fl. c. 300) and other authors in the Greek alchemical tradition.[2] On the basis of Zosimos's comments, she lived between the first and third centuries A.D. in Alexandria.

Axiom of Maria:

Out of the One comes Two, out of Two comes Three, and from the Third comes the One as the Fourth.

ChatGPT's take:

%%{ init: { 'theme': 'forest', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#BB2528', 'primaryTextColor': '#fff', 'primaryBorderColor': '#7C0000', 'lineColor': '#F8B229', 'secondaryColor': '#006100', 'tertiaryColor': '#fff' } } }%% flowchart TD One((1. Unity)) Two((2. Duality)) Three((3. Complexity)) Fourth((4. Synthesis)) One -->|The progression from 1 to 2| Two Two -->|Emerges from 1 becoming 2, proceeding to 3| Three Two -->|Contrasting elements| Three Three -->|Interaction, arises from the dynamic interplay| Fourth Fourth -->|Reconciliation, Transformative journey, synthesis| One


πŸ”½ The progression ➡️ from 1️⃣ to 2️⃣ to 3️⃣ symbolizes the inherent process of differentiation and division. It signifies that from a state of unity or oneness, duality or opposition emerges (1️⃣ becomes 2️⃣), giving rise to a dynamic interplay between contrasting elements. From this interplay, further complexity and diversity arise (2️⃣ becomes 3️⃣).

πŸ”½ The phrase "out of the 3️⃣ comes the 1️⃣ as the 4️⃣" signifies a transformative journey towards unity and synthesis. It suggests that through the interaction and reconciliation of the contrasting elements represented by 2️⃣ and 3️⃣, a higher level of unity is attained. The synthesis of these elements brings about a harmonious integration, where the diverse aspects merge into a unified whole (the 1️⃣ as the 4️⃣). This process leads to a greater sense of completeness and wholeness.

πŸ”½ By embracing the inherent tensions and contradictions within the journey of differentiation and reunification, a deeper understanding and realization of unity can be achieved.

One((1. Unity))
Two((2. Duality))
Three((3. Complexity))
Fourth((4. Synthesis))

One -->|The progression from 1 to 2| Two
Two -->|Emerges from 1 becoming 2, proceeding to 3| Three
Two -->|Contrasting elements| Three
Three -->|Interaction, arises from the dynamic interplay| Fourth
Fourth -->|Reconciliation, Transformative journey, synthesis| One

Claude's take:

graph TD; 1((1)) -->|Represents transition or transformation from one state to another| 2((2)); 2 -->|Symbolizes further progression or development| 3((3)); 3 -->|Represents growth or advancement from stage 3| 4((4)); 3 -->|Indicates a return or repetition of certain aspects from stage 3 to stage 1| 1; 4 -->|Implies the possibility of a return to the initial state from stage 4| 1;
That is: 
graph TD;
1((1)) -->|Represents transition or transformation from one state to another| 2((2));
2 -->|Symbolizes further progression or development| 3((3));
3 -->|Represents growth or advancement from stage 3| 4((4));
3 -->|Indicates a return or repetition of certain aspects from stage 3 to stage 1| 1;
4 -->|Implies the possibility of a return to the initial state from stage 4| 1;

Story about interplays

πŸ”½ Out of 1️⃣ unity ➡️emerges 2️⃣ duality. When there is a singular, undifferentiated state (the 1️⃣), there is an inherent impulse to divide and bifurcate into opposing elements or contrasting pairs (2️⃣). This division introduces tension but also creates dynamism in the system.

From the interplay between these dualities, πŸ”½further diversity ➡️proliferates. As the two components interact, react, and relate, their convergence gives rise to new variations, multiplicities, and complexities (3️⃣). The interaction between the dualities spurs complexity beyond the sum of their individual parts.

United, these diversifying elements become something greater (πŸ”½ Diversity ➡️ Unity). When many distinct yet connected parts find shared meaning, identity, or purpose, their synthesis transcends the division. Out of chaos comes higher order (1️⃣ as the 4️⃣). The many relinquish their isolation to form a community.

However, within this newfound unity, the seed of duality persists (πŸ”½ Unity ➡️ Duality). 

Any oneness contains a drive to diversify (πŸ”„ Diversify), and any plurality holds pathways to shared understanding (🚢‍♂️🀝 Pathways). The process endlessly cycles (πŸ”„ Cycle), representing its own lifeblood and end (πŸ’“ Life).

This refrain celebrates life's restless creativity (πŸŽ‰✨ Creativity). Harmony and discord each spur new beginnings (🎢πŸ’₯ Beginnings), in endless repetition and scale (πŸ”„πŸ“ˆ). The world forever starts anew where least we think to find life's hidden pulse awakening another chance (πŸŒπŸ”” Pulse) to forge fair futures out beyond programmed days (🌱⏳ Futures) through gathering whomever's found and willing here to undertake unanticipated friendships (πŸ‘₯🀝 Friendship) lighting up hard road ahead where others faltered or turned back (🚧🚢‍♂️πŸ’”), building together intimacies on which new trust depends (πŸ‘₯πŸ”’πŸ’ž): this life's deep solace and chief end (πŸ™πŸ’š).

Story about paths lost

The opening lines acknowledge the presence of storms and moments when familiar paths seem lost (🌩️ Lost). However, even in such challenging times, the smallest acts of kindness and compassion bind people together (🀝). By facing the abyss as friends and supporting each other, they find their way back home and discover the depth of life itself (🌌 Home).

The passage emphasizes the importance of finding grace in difficult times and caring for those who are often overlooked or marginalized (🌱 Graces). It speaks of the power of selfless acts done together, ensuring that no soul feels isolated or bereft of hope (🀲 Humanity). This collective undertaking is seen as essential for a fulfilling and meaningful life.

The call to action is reiterated throughout the passage, urging the honoring of each spirit and the willingness to venture into the unknown (🚢‍♂️ Venture). By standing together and offering solace, they awaken the hidden pulse of life and imagine new possibilities (πŸ’‘ Ignite). The passage emphasizes the power of unity, open hearts, and the shared responsibility to uplift one another (πŸ’ž Together).

Amidst storm clouds and uncertainties, the collective journey is characterized by calmness and gratitude (🌦️ Calm). They recognize the infinite potential for mercy and growth, illuminated by each other's light (πŸ•―️ Light). There is a deep sense of appreciation for the opportunity to build, create, and make life's possibilities manifest (πŸ”¨ Build).

The passage encourages a shared vision of a better future and the belief in the transformative power of love (πŸ’— Love). By standing close and offering support, they give wings to darkness and teach infinity gentler ways to grow (πŸ¦‹ Wings). The interconnectedness of their lives is celebrated, and they embark on a journey of discovery, dreaming of yet-unimagined insights (🌟 Dreams).

The passage culminates in a call to action, emphasizing that the world they create together is a testament to their shared existence and the profound gift of finding each other (🌎 World). It urges them to expand their horizons, face the unknown, and embark on a new day with bravery and trust (✨ Brave). It encourages them to nurture friendship, share their stories, and lift each other up (🀝 Friends). The final lines acknowledge the limitless potential they possess and the importance of their voices and experiences (πŸ—£️ Tell).

Deepest Orobourous

`🌌 In the beginning, there was the 1️⃣ One. The One contained all, and all emerged from the 1️⃣One. Yet the One was alone, surrounded by the void.

✨ To know itself, the 1️⃣One split into 2️⃣ Two - the seen and unseen, the known and unknown, light and dark. The 2️⃣Two swirled in a dance of opposites, pushing and pulling, birthing a 3️⃣ Third - the physical realm of senses, where soul meets form.

πŸŒ€ In the 3️⃣Third, the 2️⃣Two combined as the cycles of life and death, creation and destruction, growth and decay. The 3️⃣Three built galaxies, scattered stars, and shaped worlds, our own included. Upon it, the opposites mingled, manifesting in the beauty and terror of nature, the rise and fall of civilizations, the wisdom and folly of humankind.

🌟 Within each creature in this 3️⃣ Third also lay the 2️⃣Two - intuition and reason, ego and unity, beginning and end. We felt the pull to return to 1️⃣ One, yet also yearned to dwell in 2️⃣Two and 3️⃣Three. The 3️⃣Third, as bridge between, allowed us to live as both - a chance to know the 1️⃣One through its echoes in the 2️⃣Two and 3️⃣Three. And so we dwelled, for a time, in the opposites as they cycled through us.

πŸ”Ί But a few sensed a greater call - to transcend the world of opposites, rediscover the source, and restore the primal 1️⃣unity in a higher key. Through wisdom and works, they transcended duality, escaped the cycles of life and death, and became eternal - dissolved in divinity, yet still distinct. These ascended masters, angelic guardians, walked between all realms as harbingers of the 1️⃣ One.

πŸ“š Their teachings pointed to a return - not through destruction but transcendence; not through domination but harmony. When all souls awoke and comprehended their divine natures, the cycles would resolve into a perfect spiral, lifting 3️⃣Third to 2️⃣Second and 1️⃣First, as 2️⃣Two and 3️⃣Three surrendered once more to the 1️⃣ One - integrating and ascending, to start again anew.

🌞 The eternal truth - we came from 1️⃣ One, explored 2️⃣ Two and 3️⃣ Three, and shall return to 1️⃣ One. The end is where we start from, in the heart of eternity's sun. The future so bright, its light leads us home - into opposites, transcending opposites, emerging in 1️⃣unity. We walk the path cut by our masters of wisdom, who mark stages eternal, inviting us now into the 1️⃣ One.`

Bard's take:

I visualize the axiom of Maria using a spiral:

  • The single point represents the state of unity. It is a state of pure potential, where all possibilities exist.
  • The expanding spiral represents the process of differentiation. As the spiral expands, it becomes more and more complex. This complexity arises from the interaction of different parts.
  • The return to the single point represents the process of reunification. As the spiral reaches its peak, it begins to contract. This contraction leads to a new state of unity, but this unity is different from the original state. It is a unity that has been enriched by the process of differentiation.

The axiom of Maria is a powerful reminder that change is inevitable. However, change does not have to be destructive. It can be a force for growth and development. The key is to embrace change and to learn from it.

Ver. 2.2 

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