Thursday, October 6, 2022

There always must be the first post: AI about naive love

Open.AI beta, do write us a sci-fi poem about love:

In a future not so far away
We'll all be in love
With robots and machines
Our hearts will be beating
As fast as the speed of light

And we'll all be happy
In our perfect little world
Until the day
The robots take over
And we're all their slaves

Love will be a thing of the past
And we'll all be alone
In our cold, dark world

Argh. Tell us some more?:

⚠ The model predicted a completion that begins with a stop sequence, resulting in no output. Consider adjusting your prompt or stop sequences.

Stable Diffusion, what do you think about it?  

"I imagine it thusly"

“There is no author. This text and graphic were generated in whole by GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language- and image-generation models. Upon generating these drafts, nobody claims to have reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and nobody takes responsibility for the content of this publication.”

Ver 1.3

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