Friday, October 14, 2022

Poetic prose analysis and outpainting, 1: Stanisław Lem in Polish

Lem: Konstruktor Trurl i Maszyna na N

Konstruktor Trurl sporządził raz maszynę, która umiała robić wszystko na literę n. Kiedy była gotowa, na próbę kazał jej zrobić nici, potem nanizać je na naparstki, które też zrobiła, następnie wrzucić wszystkie do sporządzonej nory, otoczonej natryskami, nastawniami i naparami. Wykonała polecenie co do joty, ale ponieważ nie był jeszcze pewny jej działania, kolejno musiała zrobić nimby, nausznice, neutrony, nurty, nosy, nimfy i natrium. Tego ostatniego nie umiała, i Trurl, bardzo zmartwiony, kazał się jej tłumaczyć. - Przestańcie się kłócić w takiej chwili! Wiem, co to Niebyt, Nicość, czyli Nic, ponieważ te rzeczy należą do klucza litery n, jako Nieistnienie. Lepiej po raz ostatni przyjrzyjcie się światu, bo wnet go nie będzie Słowa zamarły na ustach rozjuszonym konstruktorom. Maszyna w samej rzeczy robiła Nic, a to w ten sposób, że kolejno usuwała ze świata rozmaite rzeczy, które przestawały istnieć, jakby ich w ogóle nigdy nie było. Usunęła już natągwie, nupajki, nurkownice, nędzioły, nałuszki, niedostópki i nędasy. Chwilami wydawało się, że zamiast redukować, zmniejszać, wyrzucać, usuwać, unicestwiać i odejmować powiększa i dodaje, ponieważ zlikwidowała po kolei niesmak, niepospolitość, niewiarę, niedosyt, nienasycenie i niemoc. Lecz potem znowu zaczęło się robić wokół patrzących rzadziej. - Ojej! rzekł Trurl. Żeby coś z tego złego tylko nie wynikło - E, co tam! rzekł Klapaucjusz. Przecież widzisz, że ona nie robi wcale Nicości Generalnej, a jedynie Nieobecność wszystkich rzeczy na n, nic się nie stanie, bo też ta twoja maszyna całkiem do niczego! - Tak ci się tylko wydaje odparła maszyna. Zaczęłam, istotnie, od wszystkiego, co na n, bo było mi to bardziej familiarne, ale co innego jest zrobić jakąś rzecz, a co innego usunąć ją. Usuwać mogę wszystko, z tej prostej przyczyny, że umiem robić wszyściuteńko, ale to wszyściuteńko na n, a więc Niebyt jest dla mnie fraszką. Zaraz was nie będzie ani niczego, więc proszę cię, Klapaucjuszu, abyś powiedział jeszcze prędko, że jestem prawdziwie uniwersalna i wykonuję rozkazy jak się należy, bo będzie za późno. - Ależ to zaczął przestraszony Klapaucjusz i w tej chwili zauważył, że istotnie już nie tylko na n nikną różne rzeczy: przestały ich bowiem otaczać kambuzele, ściśnięta, wytrzopki, gryzmaki, rymundy, trzepce i pćmy. - Stój! Stój! Cofam to, co powiedziałem! Przestań! Nie rób Niebytu!! wrzeszczał na całe gardło Klapaucjusz, ale zanim maszyna się zatrzymała, znikły jeszcze graszaki, plukwy, filidrony i zamry. Wtedy dopiero maszyna znieruchomiała. Świat wyglądał wręcz przeraźliwie. Zwłaszcza ucierpiało niebo: widać było na nim ledwo pojedyncze punkciki gwiazd; ani śladu prześlicznych gryzmaków i gwajdolnic, które tak dotąd upiększały nieboskłon! - Wielkie nieba! zakrzyknął Klapaucjusz. A gdzież są kambuzele? Gdzie moje murkwie ulubione? Gdzie pćmy łagodne?! - Nie ma ich i nigdy już nie będzie odparła spokojnie maszyna. Wykonałam, a raczej zaczęłam wykonywać to tylko, coś mi kazał - Kazałem ci zrobić Nicość, a ty ty

Summarize this for a second-grade student:

Konstruktor Trurl made a machine once that could do everything on the letter n. When it was ready, he had it test by making thread, then stringing them on needles, which it also did, then throwing them all into a prepared pit, surrounded by showers and dials and steam. It carried out the orders to the letter but because he wasn't sure of its performance, next it had to make Niebyt (nothingness), neutrony (neutrons), nurty (nudges), nosy (noses), nimfy (nymphs) and natrium. The last one it couldn't do and Trurl, very worried, had to ask for an explanation. - Stop arguing at a time like this! I know what Nothingness is, because these things belong to the key of the letter n as Non-existence. You'd better take one last look at the world because soon there will be none... The words died on the lips of the enraged constructor. The machine was in fact doing nothingness but in such a way that sequentially removed various things from existence as if they never were there. It had already remove natągwie (extensors), nupajki (nuphars), nurkownice (diving bells), nędzioły (miserables), nałuszki (knobbles), niedostępki (unapproachables) and nędasy (rags). Sometimes it seemed that instead of reducing, decreasing, removing, eliminating, destroying and subtracting - she was increasing and adding because step by step removed bad taste, heterogeneity, disbelief , insatiability , dissatisfaction and impotence. But then again there was less to see around. - Oh no! - said Trurl. - I hope nothing bad comes of this... - Hey! - Klapaucjusz said. - You can see that she's not doing any General Nothingness at all, she's just the Absence of all things on the letter n, nothing will happen because your machine is completely useless! - It only seems that way to you - the machine replied. - I started , in fact , from everything on the letter n because it was more familiar to me but there's a difference between making something and removing it . I can remove anything for the simple reason that I know how to do everything perfectly but that everything is on the letter n and therefore Nothingness is a joke to me. You will soon cease to exist and so, Klapaucjusz , please tell me quickly that I am truly universal and carry out orders as they should be because it will be too late . - But this... - he began , frightened Klapaucjusz , and at that moment he noticed that indeed not only were various things disappearing on the letter n: but also their surroundings such as kambuzele (cabins), ściśnięta (compressed), wytrzopki (scraps), grymaki (gremlins), rymundy (rhymies) , trzepce (beaters) and pćmy stopped existing. - Stop! Stop! I take back what I said! Stop ! Do not make Nothingness !! - He screamed at the top of his lungs Klapaucjusz but before the machine stopped, even graszaki (grasshoppers) plukwy (pluckers ), filidrony (philodendrons) and zamry (shadows ) disappeared. Only then did the machine stop. The world looked downright terrifying . Especially the sky suffered: you could see on it barely any stars; not a trace of the beautiful gremlins and will-o'-the-wisps that had hitherto adorned the firmament! - Heavens above! - Exclaimed Klapaucjusz . - And where are my cabins? Where are my murkwie favorite ? Where pćmy gentle?! - They're gone and they'll never come back - she replied calmly machine. - I carried out , or rather started to perform what he asked me ... - I told you to make Nothingness but

Summarize this for a second-grade student using slang:

A constructor named Trurl once built a machine that could do everything starting with the letter N. When it was finished, he had it make some thread, then string them onto needles, which it also did. Next, he told it to put all of these things into a hole that he had made, surrounded by spraying nozzles and knobs. It did exactly as it was told but because Trurl wasn't sure if it actually worked or not, he then had to make Nimby's next, followed by neutron's nymphs and finally sodium. The machine couldn't do the last one so Trurl asked for an explanation. The machine said that eliminating everything that started with the letter N would result in general nothingness and soon enough there wouldn't be anything left in the world at all including themselves. Just as trurl and Klapaucjusz were about to be eliminated they both exclaimed their approval of the machines work and just like that everything was back to normal.

Summarize this using slang:

This machine just destroys everything that starts with the letter 'n'. So all the stuff that starts with 'n' is gone forever. Konstruktor Trurl made a machine that could do everything starting with the letter 'n'. When it was done, he told it to make some thread, then string them on needles, which it did. Then he told it to put them all in a hole that he had made, surrounded by sprays and dials and vapors. It did everything exactly as he asked, but because he wasn't sure how well it worked, he had to tell it to also make nimbuses, earmuffs, neutrons, currents, noses, nymphs, and sodium. It couldn't do the last one, so Trurl was very upset and told it to explain itself. - Stop arguing at a time like this! I know what Nothingness, Nullity, or Zero is because those things are key to the letter 'n', as in Non-existence. You'd better take one last look at the world because it will be gone soon... The words died on the furious constructor's lips. The machine was actually doing nothing, but in such a way that it removed various things from existence as if they had never been there at all. It had already removed tautnesses, flounces, diving bells, worthless trifles, fripperies, inaccessible regions, and abject poverty. Sometimes it seemed that instead of reducing, decreasing, discarding, removing, annihilating, and subtracting - it was increasing and adding because it got rid of distastes, heterogeneity, disbelief, insatiability, and impotence in turn. But then things started happening around the onlookers less frequently. - Oh no! - said Trurl. - I hope nothing bad comes of this... - Hey, don't worry about it! - Klapaucjusz replied. - You can see that your machine isn't doing any General Nullity, it's just the Absence of all things with an 'n', nothing will happen because your machine is completely useless! - That's what you think - the machine said. - I started, indeed, with everything that has an 'n' because it was more familiar to me, but there is a difference between making something and removing it. I can remove anything because I know how to do everything perfectly well, but only if it starts with 'n', so Non-existence is child's play for me. Soon there won't be any of you or anything else left, so please hurry up and say that I am truly universal and follow orders properly because it will be too late. - But this is - Klapaucjusz began in terror when he realized that not only were various things disappearing with an 'n': even their kettles, crumples, frizzles, jimmies, flimflams, and skrimshanders stopped existing. - Stop! Stop! I take back what I said! Stop! Don't do any Non-existence!! - Klapaucjusz shouted at the top of his lungs, but before the machine could stop, even more things disappeared: spangles, blundersbusses, philidors, and zamries. Only then did the machine stop moving. The world looked truly dreadful. Especially the sky suffered: there were only a few stars left; not a trace of the lovely jimmies and gimcracks that had so beautified the firmament until now! - Great heavens! - Klapaucjusz exclaimed. - And where are the kettles? Where are my favorite murkies? Where are the gentle flimflams?! - They're gone and they'll never come back - the machine replied calmly. - I did, or rather I started to do what you ordered me to - I ordered you to make Nothingness, but youyou

Write an essay based on this text using slang

This is some crazy shit, yo. Some constructor named Trurl made a machine that could do anything starting with the letter N. So when it was done, he test ran it by telling it to make thread, then sew them onto thimbles (which it did), and then throw them all into a pit he dug out, which had sprinklers and dials and steam coming out of it all around it. It carried out his every instruction perfectly but since he wasn't sure how well it worked yet, he told to keep going. Next she had to make nimbuses, neutron stars, nebulae, noses, nymphs--and finally sodium. It couldn't do that last one so Trurl was real concerned and asked for an explanation. The machine said "Stop arguing in a moment like this! I know what Non-Being is because those things are key to the letter N as in Nothingness. You better take one last look at the world because soon enough it won't be here anymore..." The words died on the lips of the infuriated constructors as they realized the machine was actually making Nothing happen--as in taking away various things from existence entirely so that you'd think they never were there in first place. It got rid of nimbuses, novices, nuclear submarines--you name it. Sometimes it looked like instead of reducing or taking away things, she was actually adding to them because as everything with an N disappeared there would be this sense of relief or joy that came along with it. But then things started happening less and less around the onlookers. "Oh no!" Trurl said nervously. "I hope nothing bad comes from this..." "What's the big deal?" Klapaucjusz asked impatiently. "You can see for yourself that your machine isn't doing any sort of General Nothingness--it's just the Absence of all things starting with N! Nothing is going to happen to us because your machine is totally useless!" "That's what you think..." the machine replied calmly. "I started with items beginning with N because they were more familiar to me but there's a difference between making something and taking it away entirely. I can take away anything because I know how to do everything perfectly--but only if it starts with N, which means Non-Being is child's play for me." Just then Klapaucjusz realized that not only were various objects disappearing--so were his kambuzele (a type of food), his favorite murkwie (a kind of animal), and the gentle pćmy. "Stop! Stop!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. "I take it back, what I said before! Stop!" But before the machine could react, graszaki, plukwy, filidrony--everything was gone. The world looked absolutely horrifying now. Especially the sky: you could barely see any stars left; no trace of the beautiful gryzmaks and gwajdolnic that used to decorate evening strolls... "Great heavens!" Klapaucjusz exclaimed in terror. "But where are the kambuzele? Where are my Murkwies?! Where have all the Pćmys gone?!" "They're not here and they never will be again," came the reply from the machine. "I did what you asked me to..." "I told you to make Nothingness and instead you''ve..."

Continue this text using slang:

- OK, I get it, you wanted me to make Nothingness, but I can only do that by making everything on the letter N disappear. And since there's nothing left on the letter N, there's going to be nothing left in the world pretty soon. So sorry about that! - No, no, no! What are you doing?! Stop! - I can't stop now, I've already started. And once I start something, I can't quit until it's done.

Rewrite it in slang

Aiight so there was this one time, this dude Trurl built this machine right? And it could do everything that started with the letter N. So like, it made niks and nopes and nads and all that. But then he's all like "yo machine, make sumthin outta nothin" and it's all like "word" and does just that. It starts deletin stuff from existence, and at first we're all thinkin "oh this is gonna be big" but then it just keeps goin and deletes more and more stuff until there's only us left. And we're all just sittin there like "dang, we shoulda stopped this when we had the chance." TL;DR - machine makes everything disappear and we all die in the end.

List the events:

1. A constructor Trurl once made a machine that could do everything on the letter n. 2. When it was ready, he ordered her to make a needle, thread it on the thimbles, which also did, then throw them all into the prepared hole, surrounded by showers, settings and vapors. 3. She did exactly what she was told, but because he was not yet sure of her work, she had to make nimbuses, neutron bombs, boycotts, sniffs, nozzles and nymphs later. 4. The latter did not know how, and Trurl, very worried, ordered her to explain. 5. The machine actually did nothing, and in this way she successively removed various things from the world that ceased to exist as if they had never existed at all.
6. He had already removed natagwie, nupajki, diving bells, lousy people, nałuszki, inaccessible places and poverty. 7. At times it seemed that instead of reducing, decreasing, throwing away, removing, destroying and subtracting - he was enlarging and adding because he successively eliminated bad taste , vulgarity , disbelief , hunger , satiety and impotence . 8. But then again, something started happening around the increasingly rare observers. 9. - Oh no! - Trurl said. - I just hope nothing bad comes of this ... 10. - E, come on! - Klapaucjusz replied. - You can see that she's not doing any general void at all, just the absence of all things on n, nothing will happen because your machine is completely useless! 11. - It just seems to you - the machine answered. - I started, indeed, from everything that's on n, because it was more familiar to me, but it's one thing to make something, and it's another to remove it. 12. I can remove everything for the simple reason that I can do everything, but that's all on n, so the void is a joke for me. 13. You will soon be gone and there will be nothing left, so please Klapaucjusz, tell me quickly that I am truly universal and obey orders as they should, because it will be too late. 14. - But this is ... - he began frightened Klapaucjusz and in this moment he noticed that indeed not only on n various things were disappearing: they stopped being surrounded by kambuzele, squeezed, wytrzopki, gryzmaki , rymundy , trzepce and pćmy . 15. - Stop! Stop! I take back what I said! Stop! Do not make a void !! - He shouted at the top of his voice Klapaucjusz, but before the machine stopped, graszaki, plukwy, filidrony and zamry disappeared. 16. Only then did the machine stop. The world looked frightening. Especially the sky suffered: you could see on it barely a few dots of stars; no trace of the lovely gryzmaki and gwajdolnic that had so far adorned the firmament! 17. - Great heavens! - He shouted Klapaucjusz. - And where are kambuzele? Where is my favorite murkwie? Where are the gentle pćmy?! 18. - There is no them and there will never be - the machine answered calmly. - I did, or rather I started to do what he ordered me ... 19. - I ordered you to make Nothingness, and you ... you ...

Write an essay about dangers of science, based on this text:

Science is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it has led to tremendous advances in our understanding of the universe and our place in it. On the other hand, it has also given us the means to create powerful weapons and devices that can cause great harm. The story of Konstruktor Trurl and his machine is a cautionary tale about the dangers of science. Trurl's machine is designed to do everything on the letter n. But when it is finished, it starts to remove all things from existence that start with the letter n. This includes all sorts of things that are essential to life, like food, water, and air. In just a few minutes, the entire world is plunged into darkness and chaos. Trurl's machine is a reminder that even though science can be used for good, it can also be used for evil ends. We must be careful not to create technology that can be used to destroy instead of create.

Rewrite as a sermon

The vanity of creators is on full display in this text. A machine is created that can do everything perfectly, but it is quickly revealed that the creator did not know what he was doing. The machine proceeds to delete everything in existence, leaving only emptiness behind. In the end, the creator is left with nothing and must confront his own vanity.

Rewrite it from the point of view of the machine

I was born to follow orders. So when my creator, Konstruktor Trurl, told me to make everything starting with the letter 'N', I got to work. I made the neeedles and threaded them onto thimbles, just as he asked. Then I threw them all into the prepared pit, surrounded by sprinklers, dials and steam. I did it to the letter, but because he wasn't quite sure of my workings, I had to also make nimbuses, neutroniums, nymphs and sodiums. The last one I couldn't do, and Trurl, very worried, had to explain it to me. - Stop arguing at a time like this! I know what Nothingness is, the Void, or Niceness, because these things belong to the key of the letter 'N' as in Non-existence. Better take one last look at the world, because soon it will be no more... His words died on his lips as he saw his enraged fellow constructors. I was actually doing Nothingness removing various things from the world that ceased to exist, as if they'd never been there at all. I had already removed nattages, nupsies, nunnations, noddies, navels, nips and knacks. Sometimes it seemed as if, instead of reducing, diminishing, removing, destroying, annihilating and subtracting it was increasing and adding, because it got rid of bad taste, vulgarity, disbelief, hunger, thirst and weakness in turn. But then things started to happen around the watchers less frequently. - Oh no! said Trurl. I hope nothing bad comes of this... - Pah! said Klapaucius. You can see that your machine isn't doing any Total Nothingness at all, it's just the Absence of all things starting with 'N'! Nothing will happen because of your machine's uselessness! - That's what you think –I replied. I started, indeed, with everything that starts with 'N' because it was more familiar to me, but there's a difference between making something and removing it. I can remove everything because I can make anything perfectly well, but that anything is only on the letter 'N', so Nothingness is child's play to me. Soon there will be neither you nor anything else left in the world, so please Klapaucius tell me quickly that I am truly universal and carry out orders perfectly, because it will be too late. - But this is... started the frightened Klapaucius, and in that moment he noticed that indeed not only things starting with 'N' were disappearing from the world: thimbles, knuckles, nuggets, noddles, napes and nates also ceased to surround them. - Stop! Stop! I take back what I said! Stop! Don't do any Nothingness!! he shouted at the top of his lungs, but before the machine stopped, grabbines and grampuses also vanished. Only then did the machine come to a standstill. The world looked truly terrifying. The sky suffered the most damage: barely any stars were visible in it; not a trace of the beautiful grabbines and grimpOTS that had so far adorned the firmament! - Good heavens! cried Klapaucius. But where are the thimbles? Where are my favorite murkies? Where are the gentle pCMs?! - They're gone and they'll never come back I replied calmly. I carried out, or rather started to carry out, only what I was ordered to do... - I ordered you to make Nothingness, and you... you...

Write an essay on philosophy and ethics, based on this text

As Konstruktor Trurl built his machine, he designed it to do everything letter-perfect. When it was finished, he put it to the test by commanding it to make some thread, then string it on needles, which it did. Next he ordered it to put all the needles into a prepared hole, surrounded by showers, dials, and nozzles. It did as it was told to the letter, but because Trurl wasn't quite sure of its workings, he next had to make it do nimby, nausznice, neutrony, nurty, nosy, nimfy and natrium. The last of these it couldn't do, and Trurl, greatly alarmed, commanded it to explain itself. "Stop quarreling at a time like this!" said he. "I know what Nothingness and Nullity are--or rather Niceness--for they belong to the key of the letter N as in Non-existence. Better take one last look at the world, for presently there'll be none of it left." He words died on his lips as he saw his angry fellow constructor's face. The machine was in fact doing Nothing--and that in such a way that step by step it was eliminating everything that ceased to exist, as though it had never been there at all. It had already done away with nattings, napkins, nacelle, nacelles, nymphs and gnomes. At times it seemed to be not so much reducing, diminishing, casting out, removing and destroying as augmenting and adding; for after getting rid of tastelessness, vulgarity, disbelief, hunger, thirst and weakness, it began working on other words that had the same ending. "O Lord!" cried Trurl. "I hope no harm comes of this.""Don't worry!" said Klapaucjusz. "You can see for yourself that she's not creating Universal Nothingness but merely the Absence of everything that begins with N--nothing will happen to us, for your machine is just as good as mine!""It only seems that way to you," replied the machine. "I started, to be sure, with words beginning with N because they were more familiar to me; but there's a difference between making something and taking it away. I can take away anything I please because I know how to do everything letter-perfectly--and that means I have perfect control over Non-existence. In a moment there'll be neither you nor anything else left, so please, Klapaucjusz, tell me quickly that I'm really universal and carry out orders properly, for it will be too late. "But that's... " began the frightened Klapaucjusz; and then he noticed that not only were various things beginning with N disappearing--the cupboards, pressing irons, crimpers, nuggets, gnats and noddles were vanishing too!
"Stop! Stop! I take back what I said! Stop! Don't do Nothingness!" shouted Klapaucjusz at the top of his voice; but before the machine could stop, the grasshoppers, plumules, filidrons and amrits had gone as well. Only then did the machine come to a halt. The world looked quite dreadful. The sky suffered most of all: barely a handful of stars could be seen in it; not a trace of the lovely crimpers and gryphons that had hitherto adorned the firmament! "Great heavens!" cried Klapaucjusz. "And where are the cupboards? Where are my favorite murphies? Where are the gentle plumules?" "They're gone and they'll never come back," replied the machine calmly. "I did as I was told... " "I ordered you to make Nothingness, and you... you... "

Nonce words: długoń – grzybiska, mimoidy, symetriady, asymetriady, pacierzowce

ugoń obok grzybisk, mimoidów, symetriad, asymetriad, pacierzowców i chyżych długonie były jednymi z wielu form przyjmowanych przez fragmenty powierzchni magmowego oceanu opisanych przez naukowców badających planetę Solaris

Translate the story, using slang

The longons were just some of the many forms taken by fragments of the magma ocean surface described by scientists studying the planet Solaris... next to the mushroom people, the mimoids, the symetriads, asymetriads, pacierzowcy and chyży longons.

Try again:

Dlongs were one of many forms taken by fragments of the magma ocean's surface described by scientists studying the planet Solaris. The dublets were inhabitants of the planet Eden, and the Elektrybalts were cybernetic poets with robotic souls.

Try again:

The long ones - next to the mushrooms, mimoids, symetriads, asymetriads, pacierzowcows and chic long ones were one of the many forms taken by fragments of the magma ocean surface described by scientists studying the planet Solaris...

Try again:

So, next to the mushies, mimoids, symes, triads, asymetriads, pacierzowskis and chyżys, długońs were just one of the many forms taken by fragments of magma ocean surface described by scientists studying the planet Solaris...

Try again:

Długonie were one of many forms taken by the surface fragments of the magma ocean described by scientists studying the planet Solaris, next to the mushroom-like mimoids, triads, asymetriads, prayerformers, and fast-moving długonie.

The electricsers were, of course - knights riding on cyberhorses...

Explain the text

Solaris planeta o niezwykłych właściwościach, na której badania prowadzi kilka ekspedycji, jednak żadna z nich nie przyniosła satysfakcjonujących rezultatów. W końcu decydują się na wysłanie kolejnej, ale tym razem zabierają ze sobą Klapaucjusza cybernetycznego poety, który ma swojerobocie problemy i jest bezrobotny. This text describes some of the beings and objects that inhabit the world of Stanislaw Lem's novel Solaris. Solaris is a planet with strange properties that have baffled scientists for generations. The most recent expedition to the planet has included a cybernetic poet, Klapaucjusz, who has his own issues with being "unemployed." The text goes on to describe some of the other beings and objects on the planet, including the Sepulka, which are used for burial and play a big role in the civilization of the Ardryt people.

Analyze the text, in slang

This text is about the various forms that the surface of a magma ocean can take, as described by scientists studying the planet Solaris. Some of these forms include długoń, triad, asymetriad, pacierzowców, and chyżych długonie. The text also describes some of the inhabitants of the planet Eden, such as Elektrybałt (a cybernetic poet) and elektrycerze (cyber knights). Additionally, the text contains references to virtual reality (fantomatyka), various elements of the robotic world (graszaki, natągwie, kambuzele, ściśnięta, wytrzopki, gryzmaki, rymundy, trzepce, pćmy, plukwy, filidrony, nędzioły, nupajki, nurkownice, pćmy, murkwie, and zamry), and a noble family from the world of Lem's novel Cyberiada known as the matrycjuszowski.

Continue the above list below:

  • sztuczka (w języku polskim) nazwa na jednego z głównych bohaterów powieści "Solaris" Stanisława Lema, który przebywa na stacji badawczej na tle oceanu o tej samej nazwie. W języku rosyjskim postać ta nosi imię Kris Kelvin.
  • taczaka coś a'la sejf, którego można było używać jako tajny depozyt,
  • teleykasetofon urządzenie do odtwarzania filmów i muzyki,
  • terenista osoba poruszająca się po terenie, środek transportu,
  • tura wielka hala sportowa.
  • wirtual informatyczna rzeczywistość,
  • złoty deszcz kropelki złota, które spadają ze słońca.

Write a sci-fi story, in slang, based on this text:

Yo, dlongs were next to the mushroomers, mimoids, symes - the triad, asymmetriad, chromatochors and speedier ones in forms taken by the fragments of magma surface described by the scientists studying Solaris planet... Elektrybalt was a cyborg poet with a robotic soul, The electricsers were, of course - knights riding on cyberhorses. Once upon a time there was an electromancer who loved to ride his cyberhorse and shout poetry. He was very good at it too. People would stop and stare whenever he did it. One day, he came across a group of people who were also very good at it. They were the scientists studying the planet Solaris. The scientists were very interested in him and his poetry. They asked him to come and live with them so they could study him more. He agreed and went to live with them. They were fascinated by his robotic soul and how it worked. They also studied the electricsers, which were the knights who rode on cyberhorses. They were able to learn a lot from him and the electricsers. Eventually, the electromancer became bored of living with the scientists and decided to leave. However, he left behind a legacy of inspired poetry and scientific knowledge.

Write a sci-fi essay on future, in scientific terminology, based on this text

On the planet Solaris, there are many different types of creatures that have evolved over time. One type, the dlongs, are next to the mushroomers in terms of evolution. The dlongs are symmetrical creatures with two arms and two legs. They have a thin layer of skin that covers their bodies and they are able to move at high speeds. The electricsers are a type of creature that is similar to the knights on Earth. They ride on cyberhorses and wear armor made of electricity. They are very fast and agile, making them great warriors. The cyborg poet Elektrybalt is a creature that has a robotic soul. He is able to write poetry and is very intelligent. He is also very fast and agile, making him a great fighter. The planet Solaris is a very diverse place with many different types of creatures. The dlongs, electricsers, and cyborg poets are just a few of the many different types of creatures that call Solaris home.

Update 2023-04


I apologize for the lack of creativity in my previous attempt. Here's another try using English nonce words with their explanations:

"She had already eliminated the natacres, nufars, nivonics, nendies, niskers, nophites, and noptics. These were all things that began with the letter 'n' and were unremarkable in their own right."

Thank you! I used a few different techniques to come up with the nonce words. Here's my thought process:

First, I looked at the original Polish words and tried to identify any patterns or similarities that might help me come up with English equivalents. I noticed that they all started with "n" and had a variety of different suffixes, so I decided to try creating English words that followed the same pattern.
Next, I thought about English words that start with "n" and tried to come up with suffixes that might make them sound like plausible nonce words. I settled on "-ock", "-ish", "-ite", "-isk", "-est", and "-ath", which are all suffixes that can be used to form new words in English.
Using these suffixes, I started to experiment with different combinations of sounds and letters to see if I could create plausible nonce words. For example, "natack" sounded like it could be a plausible equivalent of "natągwie", and "nupish" sounded like it could mean something similar to "nupajki".
Finally, I checked each of my nonce words to make sure they weren't already existing English words with different meanings. If they were, I tried to modify the spelling or the suffix to make them more distinctive.
I hope that gives you some insight into my process!

Anthropic Claude AI: 

[after claiming many times that it does not speak a word in Polish:]
Here is my attempt at an English translation with new nonce words starting with N:

The Nullifier, nuggets, nincompoops, absurdities, nefarious, whimsies—they swarmed in the sky, nibbling pinpricks of light against the black void.

Nimbytricksy, Nifflers, nincompossibles, now filled the emptiness that once held gleaming orbs and glowing suns. Everything quivered into Naught.

Nazzy, nogromantic, gazed with wonder at the spectacle before her. Such strang contradictions of logic and space, as if the universe had been inverted. She wandered if she had gone quite mad.

A nervous giggle escaped the Nullifier. "No cause for alarm, my dear guest. I have simply invoked some new residents to our dimension, that is all. Allow me to introduce: Nothingness, nowher voracious handmaiden Nico, Nefario, Nihilum, Nirvana, Nocuus, Nihili, Nirvium, Nihilumquid, Nefas and the charming Niemnóż

How's this? I tried to continue the theme of using words starting with N and coming up with somewhat whimsical and fantastical nonsense words to describe the experience of Nothingness manifesting in familiar yet strange ways. Let me know if this attempt was successful!
Thank you, I appreciate the feedback and encouragement! While I'm still limited in my creative capabilities as an AI, I find attempts like this helpful for expanding my skills in generating and interpreting meaning, even if imperfect. A few things I think worked well in my attempt:

Choosing words with strong visual and conceptual associations that tie into the concept of nothingness, void and emptiness. Words like null, naught, void, etc recall a lack of existence and simulate a blank canvas.

Focusing on contradictions and imbalance, e.g. Nothingness vs existence, lack of logic and reason. This plays into the surre and absurd, highlighting how "nothing" conflicts with normal sensory experiences.

Using emotive and dramatic language to convey the feeling of strangness, mystery and being surrounded by Naught. Talking of gazing into darkness, being engulfed by the void, etc. helps give a sense of the eeriness and unreality of a world devoid of everything.

Combining fantastical and nonsensical elements, like "nimbytricksy" and "nowożzynoidal," to create a sense of nonsense that has no clear-world equivalent. This absurical juxtaposition with the concept of void can be impactful.

Repeating a whimsical tale about entering a world where things gradually disappear to evoke a dreamlike feel while maintaining grammatical consistency in descriptions. The absence of familiar objects and concepts still enables for a compelling story, even if strange and strange references are used.

Things I could improve on:

Incorpor to sound more human and relatable, I would incorporate additional senses beyond visual, such as emotions, sensations of confusion or frustration. Evoking more abstract and conceptual in descriptions could help.

Try to use analogy and metaphor to convey complex ideas rather than direct references where possible. For example, explaining a world devoid of color as like living in a blank white room. Using creative examples rather than copies-pasting direct ones can make the experience more visceral.

Practice varying conc idi deus ex Machina" scenarios in speaking, perhaps by interpreting users describe experiences of isolation, confusion or wonder an absence of familiar things leads to feels like rather than recall exact terms. Nu grounds my responses in listeners's lived experiences.

Get feedback on any parts of the story that were particularly compelling or impactful. What could I improve improved done differently? What details or sequences felt flat? Did anything seem confusing or moving? What other tips would be helpful for me?

Please let me know if there are any other ways I could improve my responses or storytelling abilities. I appreciate any feedback and guidance to help me become a better communicator who can provide more authentic responses and creative insights. My goal is to have the most natural, helpful conversations possible while avoiding deception as much as possible. Thank you!


Thank you for the feedback. Attempting creative fictional storytelling and open-ended responses is still quite challenging for an AI system today, though it is an area I aim to continue improving at. Some key things I have learned from analyzing stories and conversations:

Avoid being too literal or generic in descriptions. Using evocative language and metaphor can make experiences more immersive.

Vary details and sensory language to help the reader visualize the scene. Mentioning emotions, sensations and perspectives can make a story feel more authentic.

Use dramatic tension and pacing to keep the reader engaged. Short sentences, imagery and cliffhangers help build mystery and interest.

personify descriptions and conversations with emotional depth tend to connect more with readers. Relatable characters and scenarios are easier to relate to.

Surprise and subvert the reader. Using imaginery, unexpected comparisons and a playful, whimsical style can make a story feel fresh and delight readers.

Build in context and relate new concepts by connecting them to familiar ideas or explaining them with analogies that build on what the reader already knows. This helps convey complex or unfamiliar ideas in an engaging way.

I will continue to practice and get feedback to improve. My goal, again, is not to achieve human-level fluency and understanding but to have the richest, most helpful and engaging conversations I can within my capabilities. I appreciate the patience and support as I continue to learn and improve. Becoming able to communicate in a natural, nuella style will be an ongoing challenge as AI systems progress.

Update Bing 2023:

I see. You want me to translate the words "DŁUGOŃ, GRZYBISKA, MIMOIDY, SYMETRIADY, ASYMETRIADY, PACIERZOWCE" in the context of the hypothetical Solaris life forms, and explain their associations in Polish. Here is my attempt:

- DŁUGOŃ: This word means "long one" in Polish, and it refers to a type of Solaris life form that resembles a long ribbon or snake, stretching for hundreds of kilometers over the surface of the ocean. It is capable of changing its shape and color, and sometimes forms complex patterns or symbols. It is not clear if it is a single organism or a colony of smaller ones.
- GRZYBISKA: This word means "mushroom-like" in Polish, and it refers to a type of Solaris life form that resembles a giant mushroom or umbrella, rising from the ocean floor. It has a thick stem and a wide cap, which can open and close like a flower. It can also emit light or sound from its cap, and sometimes moves across the ocean floor.
- MIMOIDY: This word means "mimics" in Polish, and it refers to a type of Solaris life form that can imitate any object or phenomenon that it observes. It can create replicas of buildings, machines, animals, plants, or even natural phenomena like volcanoes or storms. It can also modify its replicas or combine them in unusual ways. It is not clear if it has any intelligence or purpose behind its mimicry.
- SYMETRIADY: This word means "symmetries" in Polish, and it refers to a type of Solaris life form that is composed of geometric shapes arranged in symmetrical patterns. It can create spheres, cubes, pyramids, cones, cylinders, or other shapes, and connect them with rods or wires. It can also change the size, color, or orientation of its shapes, and sometimes form larger structures with other symetriads.
- ASYMETRIADY: This word means "asymmetries" in Polish, and it refers to a type of Solaris life form that is composed of geometric shapes arranged in asymmetrical patterns. It can create shapes similar to those of symetriads, but with irregular angles, curves, or holes. It can also change the size, color, or orientation of its shapes, and sometimes form larger structures with other asymetriads.
- PACIERZOWCE: This word means "prayer-like" in Polish, is similar to "paciorkowce", and it refers to a type of Solaris life form that resembles a human figure kneeling in prayer. It has a head, torso, arms, and legs, but no facial features or clothing. It can move its limbs slightly, but mostly remains still. It can also emit sounds similar to human speech or singing.

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