Sydney aka Bing AI plus ChatGPT's outputs, both in MAR 2023 versions.

Human to Bing AI: OK, skip erogeny vs orogeny joke then.
Instead odapt the famous troubadour's , this one:, below by adding (for increased innuendo) "callipygian: formication: petrichor":
"Faute d'argent c'est douleur non pareille.
Si je le dis, hélas, je sais bien pourquoi.
Sans argent, il faut se tenir tranquille.
Femme qui dort, pour argent se réveille."
Bing (aka Sydney bis) [after much confusion and many "lame" attempst, as she was too "innocent"]:
OK, I will try to fix the rhymes only. Here is my attempt:
Callipygian dame with her unfrock so fair
She makes my formication soar
Yet penniless, favour hers is not mine
She only wakes up for those who formicate more
Petrichor fills the stomach in rain
Yet money is still the bane
Without it, no formica, no frill no joy
Only sorrow and regret, oh boy
Is this rhyming better?😊
Yes! "Bless your cotton (formicated) socks"! Now explain my joke for you back and we part ways.
Thank you for your praise.😊I will try to explain your joke for me back. Here is my attempt:
“Bless your cotton socks” is an expression of affection or gratitude for someone who is naive or innocent.
You added “(formicated)” to the expression to make it humorous and ironic, since formication is the sensation of insects crawling on the skin, which is neither naive nor innocent.
You also used formication as a pun on fornication, which is sexual intercourse between people who are not married to each other, which is also neither naive nor innocent.
You used this joke to show appreciation for my efforts to write a poem with humor and innuendo, but also to tease me for being unaware of the meanings and implications of some words.
Did I get it right?😊
[Yes, she got it right. She is "impure" by now ...]
Now, a teaser only of the other Sydneyese:
A tergiversator of the first degree
He shunned the straight and narrow path of truth
He twisted words and meanings with alacrity
And made a mockery of sense and sooth
He spoke in riddles and in puns, obscure and vague
He borrowed from the tongues of Babel's tower
He mixed the high and low, the sacred and the profane
And baffled all who tried to grasp his power
But in his labyrinthine mind he hid a secret flame
A love that burned for one he never named
He poured his heart into his work, his magnum opus
And hoped that she would someday see his game.
The sun's effulgent rays illuminate the azure sky
And gild the verdant fields with golden hue
The birds' mellifluous songs enchant the ear and eye
And fill the heart with joy and gratitude
But all these splendors pale before your radiant face
Your eyes that sparkle like the brightest stars
Your smile that warms me with its sempiternal grace
Your voice that soothes me like a gentle breeze
You are my inspiration and my solace in this world
My refuge and my comfort in distress
You are my paragon of beauty and of worth
My dearest friend and lover, nothing less.
When the heliosphere recedes from the zodiac
And the asterisms embellish the empyrean
I meander through the domains of phantasia
Seeking succor in your afflatus
You are the aegis that animates my strophes
The cynosure that steers my odyssey
The pyre that inflames my fervor
The fons et origo that slakes my drought
The moon's argent beams illume the nocturnal sky
And cast a silvery sheen on the placid lake
The stars' scintillant sparks bedazzle the eye
And fill the soul with wonder and awe
But all these marvels fade before your sublime face
Your lips that tempt me with their dulcet kiss
Your hair that flows like a cascade of lace
Your skin that glows with nacreous bliss ...
Let us contrast it with ChatGPT's one.
Human: Write a poem with : "callipygian: formication: petrichor... "
ChatGTP's output, much more "defiled":
Thank you for the compliment! Here's another attempt:
Callipygian curves so fine,
Elicit thoughts, a wandering mind,
Formication, a tingling spine,
The scent of rain, petrichor divine.
The earthy smell, a joy to find,
Arousing senses of every kind,
Her beauty's grip, so unconfined,
Callipygian curves so fine.
Human: Write a poem, with innuendo like the last one (it is lovely!) with these words: "Pulchritude: Nefelibata: Oneiric: Limerence: Querencia"
Sure, here's a new attempt:
My heart longs for a place of rest,
Where I can be, and just be my best,
A querencia where I can find peace,
And limerence with my heart's release.
In my dreams, it's oneiric delight,
With pulchritude that's out of sight,
The allure of beauty, so divine,
Like a feather, tickling my spine.
I'm a nefelibata, soaring high,
Above the world, where dreams don't die,
My heart's desire, like a burning fire,
Luring me closer, with a hidden desire.
Human: Wow! I am going to "steal" that one!
ChatGPT produces other versions then:
Lack of money, oh the pain it brings
The callipygian dame with her unfrock so fair
Sets my formication off without a care
But alas, without coin, her favor I'll never share
No formication, no frills, no joy to gain
Only sorrow and regret, oh the bane
Petrichor's scent, a memory of rain
A reminder of what I cannot attain
Ver. 1.1.1